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Thank you for your interest in WMC2024. 


​Event is now over.


We welcome UK pilots who would like to fly in. During the two weeks of the World Championships Deenethorpe will be very busy especially when the tasks are taking place.  We expect up to 60 aircraft to be taking off and landing within a six hour window, they will be on NON-RADIO. 


We expect the tasks to be mainly in the morning and early afternoon. 


The event will be NOTAM'd and will show the airfield as CLOSED unless PPR has been applied for and permission has been granted. Aircraft arriving without PPR will be turned away.  


Airfield information can be found here - Airfield | WMC2024


Please follow the steps below to visit. 


Register your intention to fly to Deenethorpe on the following Google Form:  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


  • For arrivals from Sunday 28th to 3rd August - CLICK HERE


On the day of your planned arrival:


On the day of departure please text (old fashioned SMS, not WhatsApp or messenger!)  the following number. This is to confirm your intention to attend, or that you now cannot attend. 



Send a simple text early in the day with the following information, aircraft  registration, Pilot Surname and ETA. 


E.G:   G-MINT, Clarke, 1030 


You will receive a message with a simple 'OK' on it, or if its not appropriate to land 'NO' - if we have to decline your arrival time, please re-request PPR via the Google form.


Please do not phone this number as we will be very busy. 


Please look carefully at Airfield | WMC2024 for joining instructions and ensure you observe the wind direction T and follow the circuit pattern.


Arriving at the Airfield 


When 5 miles from the airfield, use SAFETY COM 135.480. There will be an air to ground service, if not answered please make blind calls.  


Please see  SPECIFIC WMC2024 joining instructions below: 


  • Runway 04 Joining Instructions


  • Runway 22 Joining Instructions


If there is a task taking place and you are instructed to standby then please do and we'll try to slot you in. Be prepared to divert if necessary. 


All competition landings will be on the Grass Runway. 


All visitors must use the HARD runway, be prepared to land short or long to avoid the competition. 


Once you've landed wait to be directed to a parking slot. 


Landing Fee £5

Camping Fee £5 per night 


Please pay in the main marquee, not the Deenethorpe clubhouse which is closed.


Thank you for reading this information, we look forward to welcoming you. 














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